Burke was, uh. He took something from me.
He took little pieces of me.
Little pieces over time,So small, I didn't notice,... you know?
He wanted me to be something I wasn't,And I made myself into what he wanted.
One day I was me-cristina yang. And then
I was lying for him
jeopardizing my career
agreeing to be married
And wearing a ring
and being a bride.
Until I was standing there...
In a wedding dress with no eyebrows,
And I wasn't cristina yang anymore.
And even then, I would've married him.
I would have
I lost myself for a long time.
And now... That I'm finally me again...
I can't... I love you. I love you more than I loved burke.
I love you.
And that scares the crap out of me Because..
When you asked me to ignore teddy's page
, You took a piece of me...
And I let you.
And... will never happen... Again
Cristina yang
State of love and trust
Gery's Anatomy/ Season 6/ E 13
He took little pieces of me.
Little pieces over time,So small, I didn't notice,... you know?
He wanted me to be something I wasn't,And I made myself into what he wanted.
One day I was me-cristina yang. And then
I was lying for him
jeopardizing my career
agreeing to be married
And wearing a ring
and being a bride.
Until I was standing there...
In a wedding dress with no eyebrows,
And I wasn't cristina yang anymore.
And even then, I would've married him.
I would have
I lost myself for a long time.
And now... That I'm finally me again...
I can't... I love you. I love you more than I loved burke.
I love you.
And that scares the crap out of me Because..
When you asked me to ignore teddy's page
, You took a piece of me...
And I let you.
And... will never happen... Again
Cristina yang
State of love and trust
Gery's Anatomy/ Season 6/ E 13
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